Welcome to
Hope Valley
Cyber Scouts

Scouting At Home

We need to finish off the 'space' badge we had been doing this term. We had 2 things left to do.
1) make a model of the solar system
5) Identify three constellations.
Below are 2 PDFs which, put together, make a Model of the solar system, colour in the planets, cut them out and stick them to the the end of the arm with that planets name on it. use a hole punch to put a hole in the other end of the arm. Use a split pin in the center of the sun so the prongs are on the back and add the planets. they should then be able to 'orbit' the planets round the sun and they should all be in order.
Or feel free to make a model your own way. You could make a mobile, or use different size balls laid out in the garden, or something else. I look forward to seeing the results!
Below is a star chart to help you. so grab a parent and a coat and on a clear night pop into the garden for a spot of stargazing. Let me know which constellations you can spot.
Also for extra credit see if you can find Polaris and find out the significance of it.

Cloudy outside? Why not use Google Sky to look at space, the Moon and Mars.