Be a Part of Something Special
If you are a young person or know a young person interested in joining, or you are an adult, keen to be involved on any level, please do get in touch with us. The success of our Group and Scouting as a whole is reliant on volunteers, who selflessly give up their time to support their local groups and help to provide the children involved with skills for life and unforgettable memories.
Interested in Scouting, but think there might be a reason you or your young person cannot participate - be that cost, personal challenges, or any other reason, please get in touch. We strive to remove any barriers to anyone participating in Scouting and will work with parents and carers to ensure everyone can participate.
Visit our Scouting for All page for more information on inclusion and equal opportunities and also help with managing the cost.

Join in the Fun
Scouting in the UK is the largest mixed volunteer-led Movement for young people in the UK.
Scouting exists to make young people’s lives better, helping them realise their full potential and take their place in society and to teach them skills for later in life which they can't learn anywhere else.
Watch this video to take a closer look at the difference Scouting is making to communities around the UK.

Adults, Try the 4-week Challenge!
Interested in giving something back to the community? Or perhaps you are keen to meet new people or learn invaluable skills that will look great on your CV and help you to grow, why not try our 4-week challenge.
The 4-week challenge enables adults to "give it a go" by offering to help at just 4 sessions to see what they commitment; no obligation. Why not give it a go, it could be the best decision you ever make!

Get in Touch
If you would like to add you child to a waiting list, please contact the relevant section below.
Beavers (6-8) – Jon Burrows –
Cubs (8-10.5) – Toria Crooks –
Scouts (10.5-14) – Joze Taylor & Dan Thompson –
Adults (All Ages) – Dan Thompson –